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Private Mentorship

                            A Sacred Service for Expansive Evolution.


Private Mentorship

Men & women who choose to work with me know that they are ready to fully step into their magic & eros in a new way, and powerfully live the legacy that their soul was born for. Someone who chooses this path of erotic mastery is signing up for a life of full devotion to living in love and service to their greater purpose, while feeling powerful, sexy, and fully turned on for it all. 


It is my honor and my joy to hold you in your transformation and reclamation of s*xual power, and to provide you with the support for you to break the glass ceiling and take off accelerating in all your desires. 


This path is for you if you are ready to take your life and your intimacy to the next-level, in a way that is widely uncommon - through devotion, prayer, and pleasure-lead aligned action.

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Enlivening Your Eros-3.jpg

What is 'Eros'?

The way in which we connect to our primal-s*xual-human nature through the wisdom and pleasure of the body.

Connecting with the body as the oracle, that which is always guiding us into deeper states of pleasure when we are listening and attuned to it. 'Eros' is allowing our instinctual impulses & intuitive guidance to anchor us into a more pleasure-oriented* experience of life.


*Pleasure oriented = making decisions from a place of what truly feels good in our bodies, nourishing & expansive, and in alignment with our deepest desires.


What is possible?

The quality of your life directly reflects the level of self-intimacy that you have developed.

When we are in connection with our s*xual life force energy, and learn how to work with it through discernment, intention, and true divine pleasure (like god-s*x ecstasy level pleasure), we open up a world of infinite possibility, ultimately bringing us closer to our personal and romantic desires in a big way.

Accessing and liberating your sacred honeypot of erotic nectar activates an overflow of creative energy. The quality of your work in the world enhances because you are constantly creating from the infinite wellspring of your genius. Your intimate relationships only get better, hotter, and feel way more enlivened.


Life feels turned on, rich, passionate, and guided by clear purpose.


Men's Mentorship

Men's Mentorship

You are already a king in other areas of your life, and now you are ready to dive in and devote yourself into mastering the realms of sacred intimacy. 

Come deeply into your heart and your Integrity as a powerful and honorable Man; In life + in all of your relations. 

You may have never had a proper right of passage from boyhood to manhood, and that keeps you stuck in immature and toxic patterns that prevent you from experiencing the intimacy, the depth, and the erotic desires you crave as a man. 

The way you relate to yourself in love and intimacy emanates a signature behavior that weaves through all your relational dynamics. 

You want REAL god-sent pleasure and long-lasting purposeful fulfillment, and that is only going to come when you get real honest with yourself and learn how to live and lead from your heart.


My mentorship program for men addresses the following:


  • Energetics of Sexuality & Pleasure: Take a look into your core-beliefs around sexuality as a whole, and bring it back to sacredness. Return to the innocence of eroticism, and tap into a world of pleasure that is beyond orgasmic in a way than you never knew existed. Divine level ecstasy. Learn to focus that energy through the heart in an intentional direction that correlates wholesome success in all areas of life.


  • Emotional Intelligence:  A man who deeply understands his emotions is the sexiest thing to an embodied woman. Rediscover your emotional intelligence & self-intimacy, and what it truly means to you to be a Man. Find humble confidence to walk through the fire of your own bullsh!t so that you can come out a diamond, and show up readily available to hold a woman in her fullness.


  • Understanding Women Better: Navigate and understand the intricate dynamics of female form and feminine energy. Learn about a woman’s deepest desires in intimacy and eroticism, and how her cyclical biological nature affects this. Forge deeper connections and relationships rooted in understanding, respect, and honor of the wise and sacred mother, maiden, and crone archetypes.


  • Embodying and Playing with Polarity: Practice techniques to enhance your presence in strengthening the masculine “king” archetype, and re-writing the story of what that means for you. Understand how the ways that you choose to show up affect the women (and men) around you. An eternal dance of limitless potential. 


  • Heart Centered Leadership: Cultivate your leadership qualities from the HEART. It is the most magnetic quality a man can attain. Lead with INTEGRITY, compassion, and an irresistible purpose. The men that show up in this way are changing the world in a big way. 



My 4-month deep dive mentorship, 'Devotion' is for the man who is fully ready to step in to his s*xual mastery.

This is for the king who is already successful in his business, and other areas of life, but desires support in the realms of intimacy and eroticism with women. 

​ This program has limited space, so please be certain this is the level of support you desire, and you are ready to commit to yourself in this way before filling out an application. This is a higher value 5-figure investment, including 3- hour long calls a month + specific hours for messaging/voice messaging support. More details on the application.

 It will be my honor to serve you.

After completing the application, you will be emailed to schedule a short discovery call before moving forward. 

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Women's Mentorship

Women's Mentorship

Feminine Mastery through the reclamation of s*xual life force. 

Beautiful woman, it is our time as women to be more turned on and present in our magic than ever before. 

Do you feel the calling of the wise, wild, and ancient women who have walked this path before, inviting you to join them in the liberation? Perhaps you can’t put words to it…But there is a knowing and a feeling that you were born for a powerful reason, and it is your time to claim it, with such soul-fulfilling pleasure. 


My mentorship for women addresses the following:


  • Sensual & Erotic Remembrance: Embracing, enlivening, and celebrating your sensuality and eroticism as a leading source of strength and empowerment. Reconnect with your body as the holy grail, and unleash your wild, enchanted, fully activated, unique self. It is the greatest gift you can bring to this world.


  • Breaking Through Stagnation/ Emotional Intelligence work: Overcome invisible barriers that keep you feeling stuck and questioning your purpose, or keep you playing small from that wounded little girl inside of you. Let’s come into your WHOLE and mature WOMAN, who radiates her unlocked potential and goes after whatever her heart desires, without fail- and with a wicked emotional intelligence.


  • Polarity Energetics in a Female body: Learn the art and mastery of dancing with your energy in an intentional and discerning way. Understand why you are attracting less-than-ideal situations or relationship dynamics into your field, and how to shift that from a cellular & embodied level. 


  • Liberating Your Expression: Experience your fulllll capacity to feel liberation from societal “norms”, expectations, and inter-generational programming (false stories we pick up on and believe to be our own). Returning to our natural state of being woman: emotionally in tune, clear channel and oracle, sexy in every form with a “give-no-fucks” attitude, and capable of expressing our needs, desires, boundaries in the most bad-ass & direct ways. 


My 3-month deep dive mentorship, 'Devotion', is for the highly motivated woman who is a full fuck yes ready to diving in to her s*xual mastery, knowing it will enhance all areas of her life.


 There is limited space for my women 1:1 program, so please be certain this is the level of support you are ready to commit to before filling out an application.

This is a mid range 4-figure investment, including 3 calls a month + specific times for messaging/ voice messaging support.
More details on the application. 
It is my honor to serve you queen.


After completing the application, you will be emailed to schedule a short discovery call before moving forward. 

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