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My Story & Why:

"When I was 14 years old, I was brought to my first yoga class. At the time I was very awkward and disconnected from my body, struggling with insecurities and health issues. My body felt separate from me.

Through devoting to this practice, I came to remember how amazing it felt to utilize my body in an active and expansive way, and feel so intimately connected to her. I’ve always been physically oriented and on the neuro-divergent spectrum as a kid. Ive also always been hyper-sensitive and feeling-lead, which you will come to learn how I later on converted that in to a gift- rather than playing victim to it.


Turning to yoga ushered me into the next phase of teen-hood where I focused on body sculpting, cleansing, eating healthy, and working the body as a means for transformation. 

Although some of these extreme standards I held myself to at the time eventually became detrimental to my mental health, 

IN and THROUGH the body was what brought me closer to my own personal healing and BIG evolution. 


When I turned 17 was when I fully realized that I was the rainbow sheep. I decided to graduate high school a year early so that I could pursue following my soul's calling and travel other parts of the world to develop meaningful and important skills. At this time I was very tuned in spiritually, activating very strong psychic abilities and meditating/ practicing yoga most of my days. 


This path initiated many years of studying different yogic lineages, holistic health, working with amazing teachers, diving into true mysticism, and learning through plant medicine to transmute and alchemize my own Rebirth and Inner-Healing

I was then led by my own curiosity of eroticism and intimacy to begin really deepening the ways I related to my body, and in romantic partnerships. This inspired a very beautiful opening of tantric studies & masculine/feminine polarity work. 

I began to unfold like a blossoming flower, embracing the uniqueness of my own embodiment and story, and decided to take teachings from my life experience and studies and offer them through workshops and events that I would curate.  

When I turned 19 I began regularly facilitating transformational dance journeys to groups of over 100 people in Vancouver BC, while studying psychology and nutrition at UBC. I would bring people deeply into their bodies and guide them through inner-shadow work (parts we don't easily see about ourselves) and different archetypal play to come out feeling more liberated, turned on for life, and connected to their TRUTH


This work in the dance/embodiment world then carried me forward to offering workshops at conscious festivals on topics such as sacred sexuality, erotic embodiment through dance, finding liberation through a yogic path, healing through expression, teaching yoga asana classes, and other similar themes that focused mainly on the body as the vessel for developing self-awareness, sensual embodiment, and aligned evolution.


The main intention of all my offerings at the time was to help others access greater pleasure in their bodies and in life. 


Over the past few years I have passionately worked in the world of erotic dance, and was constantly reminded that it is my deepest service to bring others in and through the body, just as I once started for myself, to heal and liberate what is holding us back from becoming the greatest expression of our human embodiment.


Sexual liberation & mastery = the mightiest force of power on the planet (In my experience).


I have held countless sacred spaces for both men and women to unleash their primal fullness, and to discover what it may be like if we learned to discern and direct that energy into our creative endeavors. 

Through this exact intention, I have developed profound manifestations in my own life. I have created a very solid foundation for myself in many areas, such as my wealth, my happiness, my intimate relationships, my travels, my dreams and goals, and most importantly my own inner-fulfillment. 


I know this work is powerful, and I am fully here to bring it forward to those who are ready to dive in and up-level in every way. 

It is my greatest joy to see others transform in such magnitude and magnificence."

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